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Submitted by Virginia Watts on Sat, 10/29/2022 - 12:46

It feels like the beginning of something today, which is odd because it's the end of October, not January. But fall always makes me feel like new beginnings. Maybe it's because I lived so many years by the academic calendar, when fall was the beginning of the new school year. But in any case, I celebrated today by decorating the front porch with orange twinkle lights and pumpkins. Trick or Treaters will be coming soon!

The task isn't as easy as it used to be. Bending, reaching, stooping, sweeping, are all activities I mostly try to avoid. My body is not as responsive to requests for movement that requires balance and a certain amount of energy. But today was a very good day because I was able to do what I wanted to do. The simple task of sweeping the porch, watering the potted plants, and dead-heading the roses in the front yard proved to be strangely energizing. Hanging the lights was a bit more taxing, and I'll wait until those who are younger can climb on a step to hang lights too high for me to reach from where I stand. 

Jack-o-Lantern PumpkinFinding balance, keeping balance, on whatever level one must, is important at any age. And lately I am reminded that I still have the ability to achieve a bit of equilibrium that makes me content. I lived so long pushing myself to complete one task or another, that I now feel I've earned the right to do as much as I like of one task and stop, or take up another. There will be time to finish what is important. Or there won't! But does it really matter? All will be well, and I own a responsibility to myself to enjoy whatever moment I can.

Oh, and by the way. I did finish a task. My novel is now complete, and out to 'beta readers' who have given me some encouraging feedback. Hopefully it will be out early next year for those of you who care to read it! 

Happy Halloween! Eat some candy! Sweets to all you sweet readers!