We do not share personal information you give to us, such as your name, email address, phone number, or postal address, with anyone else without asking you first.
So, for example, if you click on the link that allows you to forward a page to someone, we will tell them who forwarded that page, but the form you fill out tells you we will do this, before you commit.
We don't sell, trade, or give lists to anyone.
We can't, of course, guarantee things that are beyond our control, like never being hacked—anymore than you can guarantee that you will never be robbed.
We do collect statistical information that is not personally identifiable about our users, in order to improve the site.
We view advertising as a service we provide to you, our reader. We make every effort to make sure that advertising on this site is useful to you.
In order to do that, we may use statistical information to attract advertisers. None of such statistical information is individually identifiable, or traceable to you.
Some of our advertisers may use cookies in order to customize the ads they supply to you to your tastes. They may connect this information to personal information you have given them elsewhere. For example, if we post an Amazon.com ad, Amazon may use cookies it has stored on your computer to identify you. (When you hover over a link, and it pops up more information about a book, there's a privacy link on the pop-up that takes you to their privacy policy page. That page explains exactly what they do.) As another example, Google ads now also use cookies to tailor their advertising to your interests. (You can find out how they use them, and what control you have over this by clicking here.) Other advertisers may do this as well. Also, some advertisers may use cookies or other mechanisms after you click on their ads. We have no control over what happens after you click on an ad.
We, also, may use cookies in order to customize your experience of The Daily Mull, to give you access to certain features, or to help us to improve the site.
We think that cookies, used in this way, are a good and harmless thing. If you don't, you should know that most browsers will let you turn cookies off. If you choose to do this, you will probably lose some functionality at some sites. It's a tradeoff.
To sum it up, we're basically nice people who respect your privacy, but the world is a complicated place, there are no ultimate guarantees anywhere, and you must make the final decision (and accept whatever risks) about how much information you give to us, or to anyone else.