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Our Flag

Submitted by Ken Watts on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 12:51

star-spangled yards filled with
red, white, and blue
colorful porches
yellow ribbons
with subtle undertones of
"We are the real Americans"
implying that you are not.

We took it back.

Lapel pins become a patriot act
the banner appropriated
symbols replace ideas
do not question
do not dissent
it is un-American
terrorist - a word used to terrorize
neo-ideals wrapped in a shroud
oh say, can't you see?
you're either for us, or against U.S.
either way
you are not a part of Us.

We took it back.

One proud November evening
a people speak as one
a spirit rises, a spirit older than Old Glory
born in Boston's harbor
in Lexington and Concord
in Philadelphia
in schools and churches
in living rooms from coast to coast
and again we saw
the governed revoke their consent
a destructive government abolished
cheering as the stars and stripes wave in the street
on a morning when the dreams of a nation are realized

We took it back.
It is ours, once again.

11/4/2008 - J. Nelson Watts

(J. Nelson Watts' blog is The Fickle Sickle, where some of his other writings can be found. - kw)