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Grades One to Five (5)

Submitted by Ken Watts on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 12:18

WHEN IT WAS TIME  to start third grade I had to go to a different school.

The "Big School House" as we called it was the newer school building and was used for grades three through twelve.

It was located one block south and one block west of the center of town. That meant it was now only two blocks to school from my home.

In those days we came home for dinner (lunch) so it was much better than walking the eight blocks as I had done during grades one and two.

I have no lasting memories of third grade except for the layout of the room and a certain song that we sang during music class.

Parts of the verses to that song have lingered in my mind ever since. I wish I could remember the entire song. A portion of the verses as I remember them were:


Swing the shining sickle

Cut the ripened grain

Flash it in the sunlight

Swing it once again


Tie the golden grain heads

Into shining sheaves

Beautiful their color

In the autumn breeze