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The Professor Explains Creation (Frag. 5)

Submitted by Ken Watts on Thu, 01/18/2007 - 08:08

"Fine. I'll give you the garden. And…"

He stuck up a hand.

"…before you say it, I'll give you the trees as well, which could parallel the creation of plants in the first chapter. But after that, in the first chapter, we come to the fourth day of creation, and the sun, moon, and stars. In the second chapter, we have a description of four rivers. How, pray tell, can you connect those?"

"You are mad at me."

"No, I'm not."


"If I say I am not angry, Miss. Simple, then I am. Not. Angry."

She smiled.


"The rivers, Miss."

"Oh. Yeah. Well, you know how you said the sun and the moons and the stars paralleled light on the first day? How the third day talks about light, and the fourth day talks about lights?"


"But I'm sure you said it, in class, when…"

"A joke, Miss. Simple. Of course I remember."

"Oh. Well, do you rem…you also said that the light on the first day was used to create time—day and night, you said—and the lights—the stars and the moon—on the third day were used to mark the times and the seasons?"

"I am familiar with my own lecture."

"Well I was thinking that the water in the second chapter is parallel to the light in the first. And the rivers are just a bunch of different waters, just like the lights are a bunch of different lights, you see, and then I was thinking that the water was used to make things grow, and it talks about all these places where the rivers go, and the places must have gardens, 'cause people live there, and so…"

The professor spoke. "…and so the rivers are parallel to the water, just like the stars and the moon are parallel to the light."

"Yeah. Sort of."

"And then it talks about the garden again, and the human in the garden, and the trees. And you think this is like the first chapter talking about the creation of birds and…"

"Well, the birds fill the sky, and that's a space, like the garden is. And the trees fill the garden…"

"I GET IT, Miss. Simple. I really do. And then…"

"Then the animals are created, just like in the first story, and the human is split into male and female, just like it says they're created male and female in the first story, and the human names the animal, which you said is a sign of domination…"


"Yeah. Just like the first story."

The professor tapped the eraser end of his pencil on his antique oak desk thoughtfully for several minutes.