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The Beginning

Submitted by Ken Watts on Thu, 11/30/2006 - 10:48

"The jc poet is named "poet" for the intentional rhythm and parallelism of language. The initials jc refer to an obvious debt to, and simultaneous criticism of, the Judeo-Christian traditions of the period. This writer (probably only one person) is responsible for the beginning and generation meditations."

Cool Leaf IV, Professor of Textual Semantics, University of New Los Angeles (UNLA)

In the very beginning there existed two things only, and they were one.

The first was energy, spirit—the force of the breath, of movement of life, the heat of the fire, the desire of the heart, the meaning of the poem and the passion that drives it.

The second was structure, word—the articulation of the mouth, the shape of living things, the form of the fire, the structure of the act, the technique of the poem that holds and expresses its passion and meaning.

Neither could exist without the other. A word cannot be spoken without both breath and articulation, nothing can live without both energy and shape, no one can act without a will and a way. Technique without passion kills the poem as surely as passion without technique.

Where there was spirit there was word. Together, they were Elohim, Bodhisattva, Pan: the one and the many, desire in action, a burning flame, a living thing, a voice speaking in the darkness.

The Darkness.

The Silence. The opposite of the Voice. Tohu Wa Bohu: The Formless and Empty. That which does not exist, because it has neither form nor content, structure nor energy, word nor spirit. Not even empty space, for space has structure: height, width, length, duration. But Darkness had none of these, not even time.

In the beginning, the Voice spoke and the Silence was vanquished.

It was as easy as that.

What the Voice said, the Voice was, for that was the nature of the Voice.

And what It said was this:
