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To My Love, On Valentine's Day

Submitted by Ken Watts on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 08:19

I wrote this for my wife on our third anniversary. It's still truer today.

I love you. There, I've said it once again,
And though the other times I meant it too,
The way I mean it now, compared to then,
Makes me feel it wasn't, then, quite true.

A thousand nights you've rested by my side,
A thousand times you've caused my thoughts to roam
From my classroom to the sky outside.
A thousand days you've made our house a home.

But I'm afraid I don't express it well,
Afraid that just "I love you" will not do.
It's not enough to simply say I fell,
Am falling, and will fall in love with you.

Those three short words could never hope to tell
How two lives, shared, become one life, lived well.