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The "Socialism" Project

Submitted by Ken Watts on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 12:20

I'VE BEEN MULLING OVER THE S-word lately: socialism.

I posted not long ago on the topic in general, but it occurs to me that there's more to be learned.

In particular, I would like to understand more clearly exactly what people in general mean by the word.

I could look it up in a dictionary or encyclopedia, but:

  1. I'm too lazy.
  2. That would only tell me how "experts" use the word.
  3. I'm too lazy.
  4. I want to know what the woman or man on the street hears, when the politicians use it.
  5. And, of course, I'm too lazy.

Since I think five reasons is enough, I've developed the following, three-part, plan:

  1. I'm asking all my readers to leave a comment below, giving me some idea of what the word conjures up for you—the worst thing about it, the best thing about it, or whatever just pops into your mind when you hear it.

    This doesn't have to be completely thought-out, or even in complete sentences. I'm just looking to get immediate, gut-level, associations.
  2. Please get your friends to do the same, so I can get a really broad range of responses.
  3. I'll correlate all those responses, put them in a list or a table, and share the overall reaction with you in a future post.

    Depending on the response, I may ask more questions then, to help clarify things even further.

Please don't be shy.

I think this could be both fun and interesting.

